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Three Simultaneous Achievements When Using The Eyeprone

illustration of a neck and spine

Decompress The Facet Joints In The Back Of Your Neck

The facet joints a richly supplied with nerves and can be excruciatingly painful when they are aggravated.
Long term stress of these joints can lead to degenerative changes which can lead to the development of bone spurs – osteophytes – which can cause painful nerve irritation that leads to acute arm pain.

Disengage Your Neck Muscles Which Allows Them To Rest And Relax

Screen interaction is the curse of the 21st century. Neck muscles are constantly overworking resulting in chronic pain and tightness. By lying face down – prone – on your Eyeprone you give your neck muscles a chance to rest whist you carry on working.

Improve Your Intervertebral Disc Health And Recovery By Improving Nutrition

model of a spine and discIntervertebral discs have a very poor blood supply and consequently a very slow metabolic system which predisposes them to early degeneration because they are susceptible to the accumulation of low grade repetitive micro trauma.

Discs hydrate and draw nutrients essential to recovery in when you are non-weight bearing – typically when lying down at night Discs dehydrate and squeeze waste out when you are weight bearing.

Consequently, a typical disc goes through one metabolic cycle in every 24 hours. Using the Eyeprone once or more each day – whilst you carry on working – allows you to increase the number of metabolic cycles your discs can benefit from which promotes better disc health and healing.

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