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Chiropractor Invents Solution to Nation's Pain in the Neck

person sitting at desk with neck painSurbiton based chiropractor Neil Reilly has invented an ergonomic device called the Eyeprone as a solution to the pain and tension caused by the prolonged use of screens.

‘Tech neck’ or ‘text neck’ is a term that has been coined to describe the chronic pain that can result from continuously looking down and straining the neck muscles while using phones, tablets or computers. The scale of this national health issue in the UK is revealed in the latest report from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) which states that 2.9 million people are living with problems related to their neck or back; this number has increased by 300,000 people since 2019.

How It Solves This Global Problem

“Incredibly the Eyeprone is the world’s first device that allows the user to lie face down – prone – with a full field of vision. This action takes the substantial weight of the head off your shoulders and gives the muscles in your neck and upper back the chance to relax.

“You can use it to essentially convert your bed to replicate the comfort of a massage table, or convert it into a workstation to use either sitting or standing. When using the Eyeprone the facet joints in the back of your neck will gently traction and decompress which promotes better posture and eliminates the pain and discomfort associated with tech neck.”

Registered with the General Chiropractic Council as chiropractor number 00052 out of approximately 4,500 professionals Neil Reilly is one of the longest practicing specialists in the UK. He runs his practice from Surbiton Racket and Fitness Club and his parents ran the Waggon & Horses pub from 1967 to 2002.

How The Idea Of The Eyeprone Came To Fruition

person with neck pain on phone“When I was first practicing in the 1980’s about 75% of patients complained of lower back pain. With even more people working from home, I’d say that around 75% of patients are now suffering from the classic symptoms of tech neck instead. Patients are struggling to find comfortable screen viewing positions, some hunch over a laptop at the kitchen table whilst others resort to lying on the bed with a tablet on the floor – neither of which is sustainable.

“I’d been regularly hearing these stories from my patients, but the spark of inspiration for the invention emerged when I finally paired it with how profoundly comfortable patients felt when lying prone on my treatment table.

The Benefits Of The Eyeprone

“Those using the Eyeprone have said that it eliminated neck pain and help improve their posture. I believe the Eyeprone is a game changer in the modern struggle with spinal pain and I hope it can provide a solution for many sufferers.”

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